Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wah! tayang sijil nampak......
semua senyum....tapi dalam hati siapa tau hehehe.....
Ini lah Kumpulan ICC PWK....
Selepas mengharungi onak dan duri selama hampir 10 bulan...akhirnya we come to an end...
Congrates'd done a great job..
Lets go for it again next year....
Keep up the good spirit....

Goodbye 2009 and welcome 2010

Gosh!!!!it's end of the year already......
time flies when you are having it says
Well...2009,indeed a very fruitful year...
a lot had happen....goood things and a bit of bad things...
Alhamdulillah....for me this year a lot of good things and personal life.
Welcome 2010...
hopefully next year will bring more rezeki,keimanan dan ketakwaan and a more meaningful life.
Most of all a good health to all my family.....Amin

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My 43rd birthday

Ni lah birthday cake orang tua.....selekeh jak
tapi rasanya....hhhmmmm....hingga menjilat jari kaki...

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Mix feelings

At this point of time....
I just do not know how to describe my feelings......
At times....everythings one time...everythings goes haywire...
But one thing for sure......I'm deadly tired....exhausted......overloaded....etc.....etc.....
But deep inside.....excitement is feeling up.....from everything that I went thru' for this past weeks....
Boring2 dengar lagu Terlanjur Bercinta by Rossa and Ungu best lah pulokkkk....Nice song...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


hubby called last nite.....very late at nite..saying that he misses me lotta much
kind of funny when at this age hearing some romantic phrases hehehe.but it's cute indeed..very sweet of you darl.....miss ya much...

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Bowling Team@Genting

makan@trig hill....

eat as much as you can@trig hill.....very affordable...
steamboat with plenty of fresh and eat until you drop....

Saturday, January 24, 2009

miss my little corner of the world...

though it's just a small apartment..i luv it that much...
we all luv this living room more than the rest....
it's small but comfortable enough to live in.....with no expensive furnitures but very practicle surrounding....hope to go back soon...

More pic kawin.....

Majlis Pernkahan....

a few pic that I luv.....

Kak Farah and bapa

Deeba and bapa

sekitar majlis mengantar our cousin..Dec 2008

Ana and saudara mara

Me and Ana

tempat makanan sdh kosong.....

mcm pregnant 9 bln....fatty boom boom....

gambar kenduri bersunat......

My nieces sdg disunat....


ayam panggang dan pulut kuning mesti habissss..........

Baby Alishah and kak farah....