Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wah! tayang sijil nampak......
semua senyum....tapi dalam hati siapa tau hehehe.....
Ini lah Kumpulan ICC PWK....
Selepas mengharungi onak dan duri selama hampir 10 bulan...akhirnya we come to an end...
Congrates'd done a great job..
Lets go for it again next year....
Keep up the good spirit....

Goodbye 2009 and welcome 2010

Gosh!!!!it's end of the year already......
time flies when you are having it says
Well...2009,indeed a very fruitful year...
a lot had happen....goood things and a bit of bad things...
Alhamdulillah....for me this year a lot of good things and personal life.
Welcome 2010...
hopefully next year will bring more rezeki,keimanan dan ketakwaan and a more meaningful life.
Most of all a good health to all my family.....Amin