Wednesday, May 28, 2008


minggu ni adalah minggu paling penat aku rasa.......but yet minggu paling happy and happening.... banyak aktiviti lasak....
family gathering....which is once in a blue moon....
Another gathering will be coming soon......
We plan to go travelling.....biasalah....sekarang ni kan banyak low fare...Mas pun ada Air Asia pun ada gak...well destinasinya for sure Bandung......
Can't wait for that day.....hehehe


dengan hanya duduk2 depan pc sambil menggunakan hujung jari....gaji yg ditunggu selama sebulan telahpun susut jumlahnya.......
Well.... the more we earn, the more we spent....

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Dine out at Dreamland......

Ni lamb chop.....hmmm yummy banget...

sy recommend ni utk peminat lamb di PWK

Ni teugeh ikan masin....biasa jak...nda abis pun..
Ni ikan merah sweet and sour....ok lah

Last nite after balik ofis I was so mentaly to say....I don't feel like cooking......tapi perut we decided to dine out......and the best place in town for dinner stakat ni ialah after maghrib we head on......and this is what we had for dinner.Selain dari gambar di atas ada juga ham choy soup tp nda snappy2.Kami semua minum avocado jus...tapi cam lain ja rupa avocado jus ni kan??remind me of something hehehe...tau tak pe...

Monday, May 12, 2008


Last sunday I bought 2 new handbags from the boutique next door ja....

yang paling sia suka yang warna silver tu.....very the elegant....lip lap lip lap gitu...
yang brown sia sdh rasmi pigi ofis.....
Wah!!...betambah lagi koleksi handbag sia...I like handbag....

Sunday, May 11, 2008


1.Are you smiling?
- Not right now...
2.What is irritating you now?
- a lot of things....uncountable...
3.When did you last eat pizza?
- about a month pizza hut Giant Sdk...with my love ones of course.....
4.Are you tired?
- Not really......
5.Do you like anyone?
- I like everyone in fact.....doesn't matter if they hate me for any reason....
6.Starbucks or teh tarik?
-I go for teh tarik....more cheaper and far tastier......starbuck only if I need wifi..
7.Last thing you said?
- Okay....ya...ya
8.Last song you heard?
- Love you fact I'm still listening to it now....
9.What is your favorite pair of shoes?
- My Sembonia.. of course....hubby bought at Warisan Square sometimes in February....but seldom wearlah...sayang mau pakai...
10.What was the last thing you ate?
-Ikan panggang and breakfast for today...thanx to Lina and Mama Marin.....and also bread from Beatrice Bakery and Confectionary..hehehe
11.What is the last movie you watch?
- 10,000 BC.....highly recommended to all of you....
12.What are the next thing you're planning to buy?
-Perfume lah.....and it must be Dior Addict....maybe I'll buy on my next trip to KK....lama sdh kehabisan not wangi anymore...
13.What are the thing you really want to possess?
-Nike travelling luggage bag and back pack......hubby promise to buy me before my trip to Trengganu...harap2lah dia nda lupa....mudah-mudahan juga ada rezeki...

Schedule for next week....

Aku baru kasi line up schedule untuk next week....
Macam busy sikitlah aku...esok mau pigi PD Marasak kemudian 14-18 aku dan beberapa staff lain terlibat dengan membership drive sempena dengan Pesta Kaamatan di Tambunan.Selama masa tu kami terpaksa berulang alik untuk perjalanan selama 45 minit.Nda dapat aku bayangkan macam mana penatnya nanti.Boleh juga stay di TVRC tapi mcm aku ni nda da maid payah sikit.Kesian pulak anak2 aku.Terpaksalah juga ulang alik.....mana masa tu pun time anak2 aku exam...aku kena jugak monitor pelajaran dorang...klu keputusan dorang nda bagus nanti susah jugak.....
Selalunya klu sdh balik kerja bkn boleh terus duduk rileks tengok TV...trus jak p dapur sedia makan malam.Lebih parah lagi klu hubby ada.....makan minum bkn boleh cincai.Terpaksa juga aku kasi keluar skill memasak aku tu.Klu anak2 orait jak...week end jak dorang cerewet sikit.Ni hari hubby sdh balik....mcm chips more pulak..kejap ada....kejap nda da.But Alhamdulillah,we spent the whole week end together...we relax at home leisurely,attended office function dan ronda2.Anak2 happy banget........Hubby datang pun sebab Mother's Day.So ni kira tribute visitlah untuk aku.....thanks darl...

Mother's Day...

To all Mothers.......
Motherhood is a tough 24 hr day off...most often unappreciated and yet resignation is imposssible!!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

When Karpal Singh speaks.......

Bila ketuanan Melayu mula dipertikaikan............

Melayu yang dulu lupa....bangkit kembali.....

Bila Karpal Singh mula kurang ajar.........dan bila bangsa Melayu mula diperkotak katikkan......

Masanya untuk Melayu bertindak.......

Situasi baru kembali melanda.........

It's actually a wake up time for all of us.....

Bahwasanya penting untuk kita mendidik anak-anak dengan sejarah bangsa dan negara.......

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Ni dia sms pertama yg aku terima ni ari....

"mak,mcm kakak ndak blh p skolah ni ari.kakak sakit perut.pliz reply"

Hairan jugak, tadi ok jak masa aku pigi kerja...
Ni mesti kes kerja rumah ndak siap ni......


Dunno for how long can we survive this long distance luv affair.....
only times will I being selfish or individualistic???hhmmmm
neway......miss u.......anak2 miss u lot more.....
we luv u......take care darl....

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

My fav pic....

pipi,farah and ila
apples of my eye

I browse thru' my album today........

Found this pic of darling dots.....don't you think its cute???

I like.........

Monday, May 5, 2008

remember mum on Mother's day........

1st May 2000 at 4.05am...that Monday morning you left us all behind.And not a days gone by that I didn't think of you.....8 years had passed by but feels like only yesterday.I still remember the day before we went to hospital.We all sat together....had our lunch as usual.Little that we know that it was our last lunch together in our little corner of the world, our home sweet home.You were in hospital for 3 months.Bed ridden and in pain all the time.And for that period of time I was helpless.....we all did.We did whatever we can to find the best treatment for you tapi segala-galanya di tangan are a very strong woman.You fought till the end......till your last breath.
Segala pesanan still in my heart mum.I'm sorry that I'd hurt you.....
I'm sorry that I didn't give you more of the best thing in life.......
We all missed you a lot especially Pa....

With much love


Deeba"s Birthday

Baby Asyeen & adik Izzaty
Deeba,kak farah and kak yasmin
Deeba and frenz...

Today's Deeba's 9th birthday...

We actually celebrated her birthday yesterday, a day earlier....just among close friends.Thanks for coming ya...I tell you...she was very excited since morning....called her bapa the nite before just to remind him about her birthday......sad thing that bapa couldn't be with us.

Happy Birthday Deeba.....InsyaAllah panjang umur dan murah rezeki..

May all the best thing in life happen to you my lil' gal....

Starting of a new journey....a mother's world

Tired and feeling really down.....that's me today.. has to go on